Are you aware of what your face is doing when you're reading a script?
This is how to develop your listening skills to book more work voice acting.
Is coaching for VO different than coaching for acting?
Get better at voiceover with your hands!
Why don't you sound conversational like the commercials on TV?
Corporate Narration vs. Elearning. What's the difference?
Voice over is absolutely mental.
To get better, think small.
Ask any voice actor, this can happen. What can you do when it does?
Beyond the perspective of the script lies an important tool...
Relax, it's only voiceover.
Not booking any voiceover work? Stop making this mistake!
Tips and Techniques for Authentic Voice Acting
The newest trend in voiceover performance? It's all about YOU!
Don't let a day slip by without working on this. Everyday.