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Finding Joy in the Work.
When you first launch your VO career, you can feel excited and joyful. But it takes hard work, and sometimes you can lose that spark.
Finding that first voice over job!
When you're a new voice actor, it can be difficult to find work. In this video, Anne lays out where you can go to get those first jobs.
Stop worrying about how you sound.
Having a great-sounding voice is both a blessing and a curse.
It's all about Gratitude.
If you're setting goals for your VO business in 2022, you need to remember to start from a place of gratitude.
Investing your money when you're just getting started.
Starting a business takes money. In this video, Anne advises you where you should spend your money first so that you create an optimal ROI.
How to find the genre that best fits your talents.
New voice actors usually have trouble figuring out what niche or genre to pursue. In this video, Anne breaks down how to figure it out.
How do you use crescendos in a VO Script?
All stories have peaks and valleys. Here's how to use them to improve your performance.
Use Your Face
It's important to be able to get a handle on your facial expressions to really help you in your performance and make things a whole...
6 Quick Audition Tips
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! Voice actors often rush into the booth when they get an audition and knock it out as...
Look for the Subtext
Understanding the subtext of the script is key when making acting choices for your Voiceover performance. It's more than just choosing...
5 Elements of Great Storytelling
There is a story in every script. Understanding and being able to deliver the story to the listener will make your voice acting stand out.
Passive Income in Voice Over
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! The voiceover business is full of highs and lows. One day you are fighting off the work,...
Effective Networking Strategies for Voice Actors
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! When you network with leads and other business owners, it's important to remember to stay...
Take That Group VO Class!
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! There are voice-acting workout groups everywhere. You could practically attend a...
Continuous Improvement Matters.
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! Most successful voice actors have a secret, they continue to coach regardless of how busy...
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