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Finding that first voice over job!
When you're a new voice actor, it can be difficult to find work. In this video, Anne lays out where you can go to get those first jobs.
Stop worrying about how you sound.
Having a great-sounding voice is both a blessing and a curse.
Perfectly Imperfect.
We've been taught to aspire to perfection — but what if we stopped? What would happen if we embraced our flaws as part of our story?
It's all about Gratitude.
If you're setting goals for your VO business in 2022, you need to remember to start from a place of gratitude.
Investing your money when you're just getting started.
Starting a business takes money. In this video, Anne advises you where you should spend your money first so that you create an optimal ROI.
A Thoughtful Look At Gratitude and Goal Setting For The New Year
It’s a time for reflection and planning the next chapter. Knowing what you're thankful for will help set realistic goals for the new year.
How to find the genre that best fits your talents.
New voice actors usually have trouble figuring out what niche or genre to pursue. In this video, Anne breaks down how to figure it out.
How do you use crescendos in a voice over script?
All stories have peaks and valleys. Here's how to use them to improve your performance.
Keep Your Business Thriving - Fill Your Sales Pipeline
Let’s face it - we’re badass business owners! We build, market, execute, maintain, deliver, and account for our product...and it's a lot.
Use Your Face
It's important to be able to get a handle on your facial expressions to really help you in your performance and make things a whole...
6 Quick Audition Tips
Easy tips for a better business Hey everyone, going into the booth to record an audition can be a bit nerve-racking. So today I thought...
How Gratitude can Impact your Business
The practice of gratitude in our businesses can help us to feel more valued, respected, and empowered to reach our fullest potential.
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