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Don't D.I.Y. Your Demo!
Demos are #1 One of the most important reasons that you want to hire a professional to produce your demo is that the professional you...
The Case for AI
It should come as no surprise that a lot of voice actors tend to look at AI as a threat to the voiceover industry. Advances in artificial...
How to use phrasing to set yourself apart, and get the gig.
Phrasing! In today's video we're gonna talk about phrasing in voice over and how when used properly phrasing can really set you apart...
The World is Yours to Disrupt
I remember when I first started out in this industry - as if it were just yesterday! I was timid, unsure I would be able to survive and...
Treat every audition like an actual job!
Auditions GET you jobs For every audition you do as a voiceover artist it's important to treat that audition just like it was a paid job....
Audition Tips!
Get the most out of your auditions I have a few audition strategies that I'd like to share with you. The very first thing you want to do...
Best practices for Email marketing and SPAM compliance
As a voiceover entrepreneur, marketing your business is essential for your success. Email marketing should be a large piece of your...
Two tips on how to sound more authentic when you're reading.
Authentic equals fire! There's a lot of different ways to approach this, I think that the first and probably the simplest way is to...
Strategies for Digital Voice Licensing and Usage Rights for Voiceover Actors
Right now, digital voice licensing and usage are in their infancy stages of being standardized. And who better to help define them, than YOU
How do you keep from running out of breath when reading long sentences?
Breath and breathing are key in VO It's important to know where to breathe. When you're setting up your copy and marking up your script,...
4 Steps to Help Develop Your Ear
Being able to evaluate your own work is a critical component for success in the VO industry. With abundant online casting opportunities...
Do I need a business plan for Voice Over?
Business plans are important So today we're gonna talk about the components that are essential for your VO business plan. First, you want...
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