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6 Quick Audition Tips
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! Voice actors often rush into the booth when they get an audition and knock it out as...
Voiceover, A Joyful Noise.
On those days when stress is high and things seem overwhelming, it's always good to remember why you got into the biz in the first place...
Passive Income in Voice Over
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! The voiceover business is full of highs and lows. One day you are fighting off the work,...
Effective Networking Strategies for Voice Actors
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! When you network with leads and other business owners, it's important to remember to stay...
Actionable Strategies for Social Media Branding
Often times it’s easy to forget that what you post can easily go beyond the personal. Here's how to not let it affect your brand.
Voice Acting is More than Just Reading Scripts
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! You've probably seen the ads that say "I make money just by reading scripts from my...
Should Voice Actors Network with Each Other?
Click SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a new video! Building your Voiceover business by networking with other voice actors seems...
Freelancer Life: Are You Living the Dream?
Millions of people dream of quitting their full-time corporate job and working for themselves. And who can blame them? Many aspects of...
How to know which words are important!
Always pretend that your listeners may be texting on their phone and they're half hearing you.
My Top 7 Tech Tips for Working from Home
Working from home can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to the game. And it's now more relevant than ever. Read on for WFH tips...
Evolving Cultural Norms during COVID-19
The pandemic has required people to make drastic behavioral changes, directly affecting advertising, and in turn, our businesses.
State of the Industry and Pivoting Your Business during COVID-19
Are you wondering how COVID-19 is impacting the voice over industry? Read on...
COVID-19 Relief Resources for Small Voice Over Businesses
Many businesses are suffering due to COVID. Small businesses are not immune. Read on to find resources to help you stay afloat...
Simplifying the Government Contracting Process for Small Businesses
When thinking about contracting with the US Federal Government, “simple” is not a word that often comes to mind. The business of doing...
5 Reasons Why Voice Talent Should Consider Government Contract Work
Do you like pie? 5 Reasons why you should grab your piece of the $126.5 billion All-American Apple Pie by securing Government contract work!
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