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Which Classes Can I Take in School to Help with My Voiceover Career?
While voiceover performance classes are crucial, they're just the beginning. Let's explore the comprehensive educational path that can help.
This is the Number One Factor in Determining Voice Over Success
Surprising as it may seem, the biggest factor for becoming a successful voiceover artist is patience. It's not just about talent or skill.
Voice Over or Voice Acting - What's the Difference?
You've probably heard both terms - Voice Over and Voice Acting. Is there a difference? And which should you focus on when you're starting?
Which Voiceover Genre Should I Start With?
When you're starting out in voice acting, genres can seem a bit confusing. Which is the best genre to start with - and how do you make that
Pay Attention to What's in Your Voice Over Contracts
With all the AI and synthetic voices out there right now, you really need to check for this in all of your voiceover contracts and emails...
Are You Aware of What Your Face is Doing When You're Reading a Script?
Pay close attention to your face the next time you are reading a script. It's time to use the power of your face to help improve your reads
How Can I Get Past Performance Burnout?
Let's face it, burnout is real. But is there a way to get past it and keep going? There are a few things you can do to help.
This is How to Develop Better Listening Skills to Book More Voice Acting Work
Take the time to listen to other voice actors, listen not just to how they sound but to how are they approaching the copy.
Is a Voiceover Coach Different than an Acting Coach?
It's called voice acting right? But how much acting is actually involved? If you were taking an acting class, do you still need VO coaching?
Get Better at Voice Over by Using Your Hands
Let's explore a crucial aspect of enhancing your performances – using your hands in the booth. Let's dive into how this simple yet...
Why Don't I Sound Conversational Like the Commercials on TV?
I hear you, the instructions say conversational but most of the ads out there don't sound conversational. What's going on?
What to Include in a Voiceover Quote
A potential client asks you to quote a voiceover job, and they need it back quickly. There are a few things to include...
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