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How to Properly Quote Non-broadcast Voiceover Project Rates

How to Properly Quote Non-broadcast Voiceover Project Rates

Non-broadcast rates can be tricky, especially with the buy-out terms and in-perpetuity. Know how to protect yourself and price it right.

How to Keep Up with Voiceover Rates

How to Keep Up with Voiceover Rates

Let's talk about how to navigate rate structures so you get paid what is current, and what is fair.

The Power of Side Hustles: How They Can Shape Your Entrepreneurial Journey

The Power of Side Hustles: How They Can Shape Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Embrace side hustles for valuable life lessons and entrepreneurial growth, drawing inspiration from unexpected sources.

Make Sure to Back Up Your Backups

Make Sure to Back Up Your Backups

Nothing is more frustrating and scary than your technology failing. So when it does go out, what kind of backups should you have in place?

Vocal Branding with Value

Vocal Branding with Value

Voice actors are entrepreneurs and our branding is key to booking work. The question is, is your brand "YOUR" brand? Or is it generic?

Effective Voiceover Lead Generation

Effective Voiceover Lead Generation

As a voice actor, you're also a small business owner. You are your own marketing department. Social media is a great way to do that!

Mastering Outsourcing and Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Business Growth and Succes

Mastering Outsourcing and Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Business Growth and Succes

The value of virtual assistants cannot be understated. They can help you avoid micromanagement and stay a step ahead.

Do voice over agents even matter anymore?

Do voice over agents even matter anymore?

Can you make it as a voice actor without an agent? Are you able to build a fulltime voiceover career on your own? What would an agent do?

Cultivating a Boss Mindset

Cultivating a Boss Mindset

Ready to cultivate resilience and tenacity for voice over success? Embrace setbacks as growth opportunities to thrive in this industry...

How do you know when it's time to update that voice over demo?

How do you know when it's time to update that voice over demo?

How do you know if your demo is expired? Anne talks about what you should look out for when it comes to keeping your voiceover demo fresh!

You can build a voice over business part-time.  If...

You can build a voice over business part-time. If...

It's possible to build a VO business part-time. But there are some things you have to do a little differently...

How to schedule your day as a voice actor

How to schedule your day as a voice actor

It's hard to figure out when you're just getting started in VO how to schedule your day. How do you know what to do? Anne breaks it down.

Upcoming Events

Business Boosters

Whether you’re a Voice Actor, Podcaster, Speaker, or Small Business Owner, Anne’s got helpful advice for building & growing your online presence, dealing with contracts & rates, marketing & branding, and so much more!

How to Find the Right Voiceover Coach

How to Find the Right Voiceover Coach

Selecting the perfect coach can significantly impact your development and success. So, how do you go about vetting and choosing a coach?

How to Find the Right Voiceover Coach

Embracing Transformation: Key to Success in Voice over Business

Embracing Transformation: Key to Success in Voice over Business

We work in an industry that's constantly evolving. To stay relevant and meet new demands, our businesses must adapt and transform.

Embracing Transformation: Key to Success in Voice over Business

This is the Number One Factor in Determining Voice Over Success

This is the Number One Factor in Determining Voice Over Success

Surprising as it may seem, the biggest factor for becoming a successful voiceover artist is patience. It's not just about talent or skill.

This is the Number One Factor in Determining Voice Over Success

Pay Attention to What's in Your Voice Over Contracts

Pay Attention to What's in Your Voice Over Contracts

With all the AI and synthetic voices out there right now, you really need to check for this in all of your voiceover contracts and emails...

Pay Attention to What's in Your Voice Over Contracts

What to Include in a Voice Over Quote

What to Include in a Voice Over Quote

A potential client asks you to quote a VO job, and they need it back quickly. There are a few things you need to remember to include...

What to Include in a Voice Over Quote

My Top 7 Tech Tips for Working from Home

My Top 7 Tech Tips for Working from Home

Working from home can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to the game. And it's now more relevant than ever. Read on for WFH tips...

My Top 7 Tech Tips for Working from Home

Advanced Technologies and Social Distancing in Healthcare: 
VR, AR, AI, and VO!

Advanced Technologies and Social Distancing in Healthcare:
VR, AR, AI, and VO!

The medical field has seen a variety of technological advancements that combine advanced care with social distancing. How does VO fit in?

Advanced Technologies and Social Distancing in Healthcare:
VR, AR, AI, and VO!

Your Digital Storefront: 5 Ways to Improve Your Voiceover Website

Your Digital Storefront: 5 Ways to Improve Your Voiceover Website

Your website is your digital storefront. Are you Open for Business or turning your clients away? Here are 5 ways to entice your shoppers!

Your Digital Storefront: 5 Ways to Improve Your Voiceover Website

Reframing Your Relationship with Money: Money Blocks

Reframing Your Relationship with Money: Money Blocks

Do you have a fear of money or making too much money? Read on to see how you can change your mindset and start celebrating your wins!

Reframing Your Relationship with Money: Money Blocks

How Advertising Trends Affect Your Voiceover Business

How Advertising Trends Affect Your Voiceover Business

As a commercial voiceover actor it's important to understand current advertising trends and how they can affect your business.

How Advertising Trends Affect Your Voiceover Business

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