There are a lot of common myths out there about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. You've probably heard them all: you need to be a risk-taker, you need to be able to work 80 hours a week, you need to have an innovative idea, etc. But the truth is, most of these myths are just that - myths.
If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you don't need to believe in any of them. In fact, it may just do you well to ignore them altogether. So let’s dive into 10 myths of being a successful entrepreneur!
Entrepreneurs Are Born, Not Made
For many people, the idea that entrepreneurs are born, not made, is a myth. Why? Because the reality is that entrepreneurship is more about opportunity than it is about innate ability. Sure, some people may be more naturally inclined towards entrepreneurialism than others, but anyone can become an entrepreneur if they have the right opportunity.
And, importantly, becoming an entrepreneur is not just about starting your own business. It's also about being able to see opportunities where others don't and having the drive and determination to make something out of nothing.
So, while it's true that some people may have a greater propensity for entrepreneurship, the reality is that anyone can become an entrepreneur with the right opportunity, mindset, and conviction.
You Need To Have A Stand Out Voice
The notion that you need to have a stand-out voice in order to be a successful voice over artist is a myth. While it’s true that many successful voice over artists have amazing voices, there are plenty of other factors that contribute to success.
For example, having great business and marketing skills, being able to network and communicate effectively, and being in the right place at the right time also play a role.
The bottom line is that there is no single recipe for success. So whether you have a stand-out voice or not, don’t let it hold you back from chasing your VO dreams.
You Need A Lot of Money To Start and Succeed
It's a commonly held belief that you need a lot of money to start and succeed in business. But the truth is, you don't need a huge bankroll to get your business off the ground. With some creativity and grit, it is possible to start a successful business on a shoestring budget.
The key is to invest your money wisely. You don't need the very best microphone starting out. Better to spend that money on creating a great product - finessing that voice of yours! Know that you do need to invest in coaching, equipment, and treating a recording space to do so. Then, upgrade as your income allows.
It's important to have a well-organized plan and to be willing to put in the hard work required to make your business thrive. With dedication and determination, it is possible to start and succeed in business without being wealthy.
You Need To Take Huge Risks To Be Successful
One of the biggest myths about success is that you need to take huge risks to achieve it. This simply isn't true. While it's true that some of the world's most successful people have taken big risks, it's also important to remember that not every risk pays off. In fact, many people who take big risks end up failing.
The key to success is not taking huge risks, but rather taking intelligent risks. This means doing your homework and learning as much as you can about a potential opportunity before taking the leap. It also means having a solid plan in place so that you can minimize the downside if things don't go as planned. And it also means understanding how YOU stand out in the market.
You Have To Fake It Until You Make It
It’s a popular saying: “fake it until you make it.” The idea behind it is that if you act successful, you’ll eventually become successful.
In some cases, this may be true. If you pretend to be confident, you may start to feel more confident. If you act like an expert, people may start to see you as an expert. I am all about manifesting success, but it needs to be realistic. The big problem with faking it until you make it is that it’s not always sustainable—and it’s not always true. Just because you act successful, doesn’t mean you are successful. And sometimes, faking it can actually lead to problems. Especially if your product (aka your voice) isn't ready to go to market yet - for example, you created a demo before you were ready. Pretending to be something you’re not can be brand-crushing and exhausting, and it can cause you to lose sight of your goals.
It’s important to remember that being successful doesn’t mean being immune to failure. Everyone has moments of doubt and insecurity—even the most successful people. The key is to push through those moments and keep going. So instead of faking it until you make it, focus on being your best self—and eventually, success will follow.
You Can’t Be Vulnerable Or Weak
It’s a common misconception that entrepreneurs need to have everything figured out before they can achieve success. In reality, it’s often the opposite that is true. Because entrepreneurship is all about growth, both personally and professionally, those who are willing to be vulnerable and learn from their mistakes are more likely to find success than those who try to figure everything out on their own.
In reality, vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness, and it’s essential for anyone who wants to truly thrive in business. By being open to new ideas and willing to take risks, entrepreneurs can set themselves up for continued growth and success.
So next time you’re feeling lost or uncertain, remember that it’s OK to ask for help or admit that you don’t know everything. After all, that’s what vulnerability is all about. And it just might be the key to your success as an entrepreneur.
You Need To Work a Lot of Hours
The infamous 80 hour work week - is it a necessity for success or a recipe for burnout?
According to popular belief, the only way to make it to the top is by putting in long hours and sacrificing everything else in your life. However, there is growing evidence that this isn't true.
In fact, working excessive hours can actually be counterproductive. Studies have shown that after a certain point, productivity decreases sharply and workers become more prone to making mistakes. In addition, extended work hours can lead to fatigue, stress, and health problems (ask me - I can attest to this!)
So if you're looking to achieve success, don't buy into the myth of the 80-hour work week. Instead, focus on working smarter, not harder. By being efficient and prioritizing your tasks, you'll be able to accomplish more in less time - freeing up time for the things that really matter in life.
You Need To Be Highly Educated
In today's business world, a college degree is no longer a guarantee of success. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs never finished college. Bill Gates, for example, dropped out of Harvard to start Microsoft. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, also dropped out of college. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, dropped out of Harvard as well.
The list goes on. The point is, you don't need a college degree to be successful in business.
Of course, education can still be helpful. It can give you the knowledge and skills you need to start and run a successful business, as well as perform at your best. But it's not essential.
So don't let the fact that you don't have a college degree hold you back. You could be the next great VO entrepreneur.
Whatever success means to you, remember that you don’t have to be perfect to achieve it. You don’t have to be rich or famous or powerful. You just have to be yourself – and sometimes, that’s the hardest thing of all.
Avoid Failure At All Costs
You may have been told as a child that failure was unacceptable and that you should work to avoid it at all costs. But is this really the best advice?
Sure, no one likes to fail, but it is through failure that we learn and grow. If we never failed, we would never know what we were capable of. We would never stretch ourselves and try new things. We would never push ourselves to reach our full potential.
So next time you're feeling down about a failure, remember that it is just a stepping stone on the path to success. Embrace your mistakes, learn from them, and use them to fuel your drive to achieve great things. Only then will you truly be able to avoid failure at all costs.
Being Successful Means You’re Invincible
Success is a loaded word. For some, it might mean power, money, and influence. Others might equate it with fame, or notoriety. Whatever somebody’s definition of success is, there’s one commonly accepted truth—to be successful means you’re invincible… That you can achieve anything, you set your mind to. But is that really true?
Sure, some people seem to have the world at their feet. They’re wealthy, they’re popular, they get everything they want. But that doesn’t mean they’re invincible. They still get sick, and they still struggle. No amount of success can change that.
So what does it really mean to be successful?
Maybe it means being happy and fulfilled, regardless of what anybody else thinks or says.
Maybe it means making a difference in the world, even if it’s just in a small way.
Or maybe it means knowing that you tried your best, even if you didn’t always succeed.
Whatever success means to you, remember that you don’t have to be perfect to achieve it. You don’t have to be rich or famous or powerful. You just have to be yourself – and sometimes, that’s the hardest thing of all.
The Bottom Line...
The bottom line is that if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, don't let anyone sway you with these common myths and tell you it's impossible. If you have the right mindset and are willing to work hard and never give up on your dreams, then nothing can stop you from succeeding! I have faith in you BOSSES!
Thanks for reading!
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About Anne:
Anne Ganguzza is a professional voice actor and award-winning director and producer who works with students to develop their voiceover and business skills - including voice over Coaching and Genre-based Demo Production. She specializes in conversational Commercial & Narration styles, including Corporate, eLearning, Technology, and On-Hold Messaging. Located in Orange County, California, Anne offers private coaching and mentoring services to students via ipDTL and Zoom.