The new year is almost here and it's time to start fresh. You've already made & accomplished some great business goals for yourself in the past year & you're ready to keep going strong into the upcoming one. But how do you keep that momentum going? I've got some tips that will help you maintain your motivation so that you can achieve greatness in the coming year!
Take a few days to reflect
Reflect upon the past year, on how you felt, how it went for your business, and where you see yourself going in the future. You can even write down all the kinds of things that happened over the course of this last year. Did anything surprise you? Were there any particularly good or bad moments? Were there any accomplishments that changed your life for good?
Craft your 2023 goals
Now that you've got a plan of action, it's time to start working on those goals. Make a list of things you want to accomplish in the coming year and put them in writing. It's important that this list be realistic—there's no point setting your sights on something so ambitious or unattainable that it won't push you forward at all. But don't be afraid to challenge yourself either; after all, if we didn't have daring dreams, we'd never achieve anything great!
Set an action plan
If your strategy isn't sustainable, then it won't work. You need a plan that works with the rest of your life, not against it. Make sure that your schedule includes some time for yourself so that you don't burn out or lose sight of why you're doing this in the first place! If a goal feels overwhelming or scary, try breaking it up into smaller pieces until something becomes manageable and doable for YOU!
Don't forget about self-care
If your strategy isn't sustainable, then it won't work. You need a plan that works with the rest of your life, not against it. Make sure that your schedule includes some time for yourself so that you don't burn out or lose sight of why you're doing this in the first place. Self care can also be setting aside a full day to get ahead on a project, letting yourself brainstorm for your biz, or attending a voiceover conference. If a goal feels overwhelming or scary, try breaking it up into smaller pieces until something becomes manageable and doable for YOU.
Set check in points throughout the year for accountability
Once you have a plan, set check in points throughout the year for accountability. It’s important to keep an eye on how well you are sticking to your goals and adjust as needed. If a goal doesn’t seem too far away when you first set it, but then months go by and nothing happens with that goal, maybe it needs changing or adjusting. Maybe there is something holding you back from making progress on it (too much stress at work?).
Do you stick to your New Year goals?
Yes of course!
Sometimes...some of them
I don't even bother setting them
The new year is the perfect time for a fresh start, so don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers! Take some time to reflect on what went well with your business last year and what could be improved upon. Then, create a plan of action that will help you achieve your goals in the coming months. Be sure to schedule in some self-care activities so that you stay motivated throughout all of this hard work!
Thanks for reading!
Keep on rocking your business like a #VOBOSS
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About Anne:
Anne Ganguzza is a professional voice actor and award-winning director and producer who works with students to develop their voiceover and business skills - including voice over Coaching and Genre-based Demo Production. She specializes in conversational Commercial & Narration styles, including Corporate, eLearning, Technology, and On-Hold Messaging. Located in Orange County, California, Anne offers private coaching and mentoring services to students via ipDTL and Zoom.