How do you know if you've nailed that audition?
How do you know if you've nailed that audition or not? Well, that's a pretty simple and yet complicated answer, <laugh>. So first of all, you're not really gonna know if you've nailed the audition in the client's eyes unless you get hired by the client. So a lot of times, and sometimes this is very frustrating for voiceover actors, is that they will submit an audition and then never hear again about the audition. They won't get any feedback, and that can be very frustrating, especially when you're excited about the job or you really want that job, and you're really aiming to get that job, and you just don't hear anything about that audition.
Voice actors spend most of their time in a vacuum. We send out auditions and hardly ever get feedback. So how can we tell if we're nailing those auditions?