Investing wisely in your voice over business.
So when you start any business there's always an investment involved, so when you start your VoiceOver business where is the first place you're going to put that investment?
The first way to spend your money when investing in your voice-over business is in your education. Because the more informed you are the better decisions you can make, and the better investment decisions you can make down the road. Invest in finding out about the voiceover industry. Make sure that you are taking some time to find trusted sources in the industry. You can start off googling, but if you need to make an investment here and there, talk to some knowledgeable people that are tops in the industry. I think that's a very wise investment to start with.
Starting a business, any business takes money. You have to spend money to make money they say. In this video, Anne advises you where you should spend your money first so that you create an optimal return on your investment.