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Make your space a fun place to work!

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Often times we can get so concerned with sound treatment, quiet mics, technique, and logistics that we can forget to also make your workspace a fun and joyful place to work! Let's talk about it.


Transform Your Workspace into a Creative Oasis

This week, we're talking about transforming your workspace into an oasis of creativity. A personal reflection of your personality, your workspace can significantly influence your creative flow. This episode shared original ideas to spruce up your work environment, promising a significant enhancement in your creative productivity.

Let's take a look at a personal insight into my journey of upgrading my studio space. The color blue, a personal favorite, dominates my workspace, fostering tranquility. I revealed how every element, from acoustic panels to cat condos, can add a layer of comfort and creative energy to your workspace.

One of the key takeaways from the episode is that your creative space should be a place where you feel joyful and comfortable. It should be a space that inspires you to let go and play around. Filling it with things that you love can create a personal connection, making you happy to sit and work in your space.

In my workspace, for instance, I have embraced my love for the color blue. From blue lighting to blue headphones, every corner of my workspace is drenched in my favorite color. This infuses a calming and relaxed aura, helping me stay focused and at ease.

Adding a touch of humor and personal connections can also lighten up your workspace. In my case, a bobblehead of my husband holding my business cards constantly cheers me on. These small details not only bring a smile to my face but also make the work environment less stressful.

Acoustic comfort is another aspect I touched upon. With acoustic panels lining the walls of my office, the quiet environment makes me happy. This underlines the importance of a calm and peaceful workspace for boosting creativity and productivity.

Furthermore, comfort should never be compromised in your creative space. Investing in a comfortable chair and ensuring you can stand or sit at your convenience is crucial. I also emphasized the importance of investing in lighting that you love, as it can significantly impact your mood and productivity.

Finally, personal touches, like a cat condo for my three adorable cats, make my workspace a delightful place to be. Not only does it keep my furry friends close, but it also adds a warm, homey feel to the workspace.

Creating a workspace that reflects your personality and brings joy can significantly enhance your creative flow. So, be it a stuffed animal, a bobblehead, great colors, or fantastic lighting, find what makes you happy and infuse it into your workspace.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips in our upcoming Teachable Moments!

Thanks for reading!

Keep on rocking your business like a #VOBOSS

About Anne Ganguzza

Recipient of multiple Voice Arts Awards for Outstanding Narration Demo - Anne Ganguzza is California-based Voice Over Coach and award-winning Director & Producer specializing in target-marketed voiceover Demo Production. Anne's production team creates SOVAS-nominated demos across several genres, including Commercial, Corporate Narration, and eLearning, and her VO BOSS podcast is the winner of SOVAS Outstanding Podcast in 2022.



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