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AI / AR / VR Robotics  Demo

1:40-2:00 // Spots also delivered separately for use in target marketing


Industry uses for artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality in conjunction with robotics, continue to grow at an exponetial rate, as manufacturers, militaries, and healthcare providers all look to find new uses for the technology. As these technologies emerge, voiceover will be an integral part of form and function for companies who want to provide a complete and immersive experience for their customers.  Storytelling within a memorable experience will put the listener at the very heart of the brand for maximum impact.  Medical robotic surgery, Automated transportation, Military systems, AI/AR/VR Instructional and/or Guided Narration for a multitude of products and environments are just a few practical real-world examples.


Anne will create leading edge, real world, custom copy to showcase your skillsets in this emerging genre while targeting each spot toward a certain industry market - giving you a powerful edge when clients hear your demo.

AI / AR / VR Robotics Demo

Price Options
One-time purchase
Split Payments
$734.00every month for 3 months
  • Demo production includes a 2-hr directed recording session with Atlantis Group Audio. Connect live from anywhere via ipDTL, ISDN, or SourceConnect.

    Full processing, music & SFX engineering included, all digital audio/demo files released upon completion of paid demo service.

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